Cualit is an international digital marketing agency that specializes in mobile, e-commerce, Web and cloud services to clients. Its mission is to “provide fully integrated software solutions to deliver unique experiences for your customers,” as CEO Martin Perez Invidio explained, in a recent email interview.
Perez brings a broad portfolio with him: He bills himself as a software engineer, a certified project manager professional, Cualit co-founder and head, as well as a sportsman and outdoor enthusiast. During our Q&A exchange, Martin also weighed in on what he’s seeing in the world of midsized enterprises around cloud, generational differences, and big data.
Midsize Enterprise Strategies: Can you cite a few major trends you’re seeing that are affecting the midmarket enterprise?
Perez: Companies are overwhelmed by information that they cannot process and understand. Big data is a major trend and a solution for this problem. Companies want to optimize their operations by adopting real-time, practical, and easy to use mobile and cloud solutions. Sixty-percent of our prospects are interested in mobility and cloud adoption.
MES: Are ongoing generational differences driving significant change in how you market?
Perez: Our company targets millennials and Generation X customers. Millennials are more influenced by our brand’s social media marketing, when it offers deep focus in technology and innovation content. Generation X customers are more attracted to face-to-face personalized meetings.
MES: From your company’s point of view, what are the big trends in cloud?
Perez: Intranets or private clouds have existed long before the term cloud began to be used. For us it’s all about public cloud — or it’s no cloud at all. Go public cloud or go home.
MES: What are the biggest challenges you see in mobile/cloud marketing adoption? Is it about security or bandwidth obstacles?
Perez: As time goes by, companies get more proficient at what they do, certainly in the mobile/cloud ecosystem. Therefore, the biggest challenge is to rise to the occasion, and match, or even exceed, the competitors’ quality levels, by adding more value.
MES: Are we hitting Web overkill, where consumers can’t take seeing any more online ads/content? Or is it a matter of just winning these consumers over with the right content and the right engagements?
Perez: Repetitive ads tend to annoy people, and thus re-marketing techniques, despite their effectiveness, can generate customer dissatisfaction. We aren’t killing anybody’s interest outright — but we might be in danger of losing a customer by being too much persistent with the same approaches.
MES: What quick tips would you offer a midmarket CIO?
Perez: Stay close to millennials. Millennials know better than everyone where technology trends are heading. A CIO must always be informed and aware of the state-of-the art of technology, to anticipate and be better prepared for change, as well as to innovate.
MES: My open forum question: What do you feel strongly about in IT-land?
Perez: Information technology is the industry that supports and leads mankind’s evolution. Unforeseen paradigm shifts, and new, previously uncovered, knowledge will be possible, thanks to IT advancements.
MES: What is your favorite non-business technology?
Perez: I love home automation devices, such as all-in-one home security cameras and NFC door locks, as well as retail NFC POS devices.