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Why Your New “Partner” Isn’t Really Your Partner (Yet)

What does it mean when an IT solution provider signs up for a partner program? This simple question may be the greatest source of IT channel agita in the entire partner recruitment, enablement and on-boarding process.

How To Build A Database From Scratch

If you need to create a B2B marketing database but are having trouble doing so, it may be because you have too many options. There are many approaches you can take, from building your marketing database list from scratch, buying a list, or even renting one to uncover potential leads for your product(s).  Read on to learn how to figure out if you should build, buy or rent your marketing list—or if a hybrid approach is best for you. 

Vendor M&A Leads to Channel Consolidation

The pressure to go big or go home brings a new sense of urgency to channel partners who are looking to remain a valued part of the technology supply chain.

Do You Push Or Pull Partners?

No doubt the economy is more forgiving than it was a year or two ago and most Strategic Service Providers are having more sales success. But suppliers that are strategically looking for their SSP channel partners to bring on net new customers must decide if they are pushing hard enough as well as pulling the SSPs with incentives that are effective.

How To Manage Your B2B Marketing Database

As a B2B marketer, your bread and butter is leads—you’re either trying to generate new leads or trying to convert your current leads into customers. And once you have those customers, your job is to keep them happy and hopefully convert them further into being advocates of your products. So, where do you keep the information on these leads? The answer is your B2B marketing database.

Understanding The Scale Of The Partner’s Journey Versus The Buyer’s Journey

Influencing a decision has always been the goal of strategic marketing. More importantly, the fundamentals of marketing are based on the fact that doing so requires multiple touchpoints at different steps in the decision-making process.

Do You Have A Digital Marketing Plan?

That may seem like a question with either a “yes” or “no” response, but it’s not. Having one big marketing campaign that you use to market to customers and potential customers across all channels does not mean you have a digital marketing plan. It simply means that you have an overall marketing plan. Here’s why you need to separate digital from your other marketing plans. 

Thinking Through Your Channel Relationships

Depending on where you, as a vendor, are on the totem pole of significance, should determine how you evaluate the importance of solution provider relationships.

Website Design Best Practices

You may think that website design is something you only need to think about when you’re creating your company’s website for the first time. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Best practices for website design change all the time, so you should be continually testing and evaluating your site for the best user experience possible. Read on to learn what your website should look like and, more important, what it shouldn’t.

Where Is MDF Headed?

In today's market, tech vendors need to shift toward a model that embraces engagement with a sales prospect over completed deals.
