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Channel Partners Hunt For Their IoT Starting Points

The Internet of Things has advanced beyond mere hype as solution providers are finding opportunities to make money off it.

Cybersecurity: The Battle for Our Connected World

Marc Goodman - NGC 2016 SpeakerNexGen Cloud Conference & Expo is beyond excited to have Marc Goodman, one of the world’s leading authorities on global security, delivering the keynote address on December 7th in Anaheim, CA.


How to Measure the Success of Your Social Media Marketing

Like all marketing channels, social media must prove its viability to receive continued budget. Calculating the return on investment (ROI) of your social media program can be challenging, but it can also illustrate the effectiveness of your social media strategy.

Start by following these steps to enable you to better measure the effectiveness of your programs.


Emerging Vendors Need To Build Channels Earlier, Not Later

Engaging the channel later in a company's evolution may have made sense back when the channel's chief role was sales fulfillment – selling and distributing a vendor's products in markets and geographies that it couldn't otherwise reach. But the role of the channel is changing – indeed, it already has changed – from a sales and distribution focus to providing solutions around a vendor's products and, more recently, providing strategic services around those solutions.

Tech Is Moving Faster than Ever, Offering Huge Vendor and Partner Opportunity

The faster-than-ever pace of technology is causing massive disruption to business models and pushing consolidation. Yet it’s also leading to new, sometimes eye-opening opportunities.

What Role Should Public Relations Play in Your Marketing Mix?

If you are having a hard time deciding how to integrate public relations strategies into your marketing plan, you are not alone. The lines have become so blurred in this age of integrated marketing that PR and marketing tactics are consistently crossing paths—but are typically not coordinated in advance.

Are You Thinking About Strategic Service Providers?

The growth in cloud is changing the channel partner’s role, which requires technology vendors to rethink the structure of the vendor-partner relationship.

Tips for B2B Social Media Marketers

While B2C marketers may be considered the early adopters of social media marketing, B2B marketers have long since embraced this valuable platform. Social media marketing enables us to quickly and effectively communicate our value proposition to an increasingly large, captive online audience. It provides a proven way to expand relationships and establish trust—not too dissimilar from our B2C counterparts.

How to Leverage the Partner’s Journey for Successful Partner Recruitment and Development

Many IT suppliers focus almost exclusively on the partner-supplier relationship and don’t make a serious effort to reach out to solution providers until (and unless) they become a member of their partner program. While it is extremely important to support and enable your partner program members, it’s also important—believe it or not—to support and enable prospective partners. Why? Because if you are not participating in the Partner’s Journey leading up to a technology or partnering decision, you are missing out on valuable opportunities to capture partner mindshare, win new partnerships and motivate existing partners to sell more.  

Top Social Media Platforms for B2B Marketers

With 92 percent of B2B marketers reporting they use social media, the question is not whether or not you should embrace social media marketing—but where you should focus your efforts.

Vimeo, LinkedIn, You Tube, Facebook, Instagram, SlideShare, Twitter, Tumblr, Bitly, Google+, Vine, Pinterest—if marketers today have anything, it is certainly a wide range of social media platforms from which to choose

If you are new to social media marketing, this can be a very daunting list. If you’re not, it’s probably just exhausting. The good news is that when you look at your target audience, this overwhelming list of social media network options will fall away—and reveal the few networks with which your audience actually engages.

